Friday, October 18, 2019

The Environment and the Hospitality Industry Essay

The Environment and the Hospitality Industry - Essay Example In the current global economic crisis, there are however various issues which are threats and which have threatened the hospitality industry. These issues mostly impact on the profitability of the industry and its related businesses. This paper shall consider environmental issues, including global warming and pollution – issues which are impacting on the hospitality industry. It shall also present a critique of appropriate literature which relates to this issue. This paper is being carried out in order to establish a clear and comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, as well as the pertinent issues which relate to its application. There are various issues which are impacting on the hospitality industry. One such issue relates to the environment and the call for sustainable development and environmentally viable hospitality design. Going green is one of the clamors in the current hospitality industry, and such clamor has become more than an isolated demand, it has now become part of the mainstream demand (Wang and Wang, 2009, p. 53). Environmentalists are pressuring the hospitality industry to implement more sustainable and environmentally friendly processes in their business processes. In a report by hotelier Hasek (2007), he mentions about 10 issues which the hospitality industry is currently faced with in relation to the environment. One issue is based on the fact that it is difficult to avoid rising energy costs with such costs increasing to a significant degree each year. Another issue pointed out by Hasek (2007) is the need to design and build new hotels which meet environmental standards. This would aga in cost the industry a significant amount of money. Still another environmental issue threatening the hospitality industry is global warming itself. Some of the effects of global warming include extreme weather conditions – drought and floods – and other weather disturbances.

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