Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Life as a Death Row Inmate Essays

Life as a Death Row Inmate Essays Life as a Death Row Inmate Essay Life as a Death Row Inmate Essay English Literature 1 9/23/10 Illustration Since 1997, there have been over 1,200 inmates executed in The United States of America, and according to The Death Penalty Information center there are 3,225 inmates currently on death in The United states Of America. These inmates spend at least 5 to roughly 25 years in prison before they’re executed. Forcing inmates to live out the rest of their life segregated from the rest of the prison, in a 69 x 9. 5 feet high cell. Making this, and the rules of the institution they’re in their day to day life. Which most people would assume the day to day life of a death row inmate to be nothing, so what is the day to day life of an inmate on death row structured like. Each institution in the United States is run differently, but the procedures are basically the same. As an inmate in America according, to â€Å"The State of Florida Department of Corrections†, an inmates day starts early in the morning at 5 a. m. with breakfast. Isolated to your cells your meals are prepared by prison staff and brought to you in insulted carts. Prisoners are allowed to use plastic plates and sporks. This is how every meal is served to you day in and day out. Expect for your last meal before your death which can be no more than $40, and bought locally. It’s something most inmates on death row look forward to. With inmates mates being confined to their cells 24 hours a day expect for, medical reasons, media interviews, and social or legal visits. what could a human being possibly do inside that little cell for the rest of there life? Even when you do leave your room you are handcuffed at all times. Inside an inmates cell on death row you will find many things, but the most basic means of entertainment consist of a radio, a 13† inch TV, and paper as well as writing utensil. The inmates are not allowed cable and there cell is subject to the natural temperature of the earth with no type if air conditioning and minimal heat. Inmates are also allowed to receive mail everyday except for holidays and weekends. They are also allowed cigarettes and snacks of many kind to fulfill there natural pleasures. Inmates are also welcome to take a shower everyday as a way to get away from the few, but important resources they have in side there cells. Most death row inmates utilize this time in their cell with the resources that they have available in many different ways. Most inmates find them self eves reading and or writing books, as well as writing and receiving mail from family and friends. There are also some inmates who work out in their cells to keep in physical shape. While others watch, read, and live spirituality to prepare for what eternally awaits them which is death. Being that most inmates that have been jail for as long as most death row inmates have been, they usually become very creative in what they do with their time. So the resources that these inmates are allowed don’t restrict the endless creative they have to put their resources towards good use in their cell. This is, but not limited to the day to day life of a model inmate on death row in America. These inmates live out everyday of there life sometimes for extended periods of time depending on their situation. It’s very hard to believe that any human being could live like this, but 95% of all death row inmates adapt to this life style after the first nine years of their sentence. Living everyday as what they have been bread to think is normal waiting for there last day, which most inmates refer to as d-day. Everyday on death row in America is pretty much the same. Expect for one day, and that is the day that you are to be executed. On that day that you are to be executed you will be put in a holding cell to await execution until 12:00 o’ clock midnight; which by law no execution can take place before midnight. This is where you are feed the last three meals, as u a wait to be taken to the execution chamber. When you’re taken to the execution chamber you are strapped to a stretcher with your arms, and legs apart. You are than ask if you would like to say anything, to the victims family, the media, and the various others watching. After you are done, a team of experts administrate the drugs. Your plus is checked and than your pronounced dead. To no more be subject to living the day to day life of a death row inmate waiting for that day, â€Å"D-day†.

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